Monday, April 12, 2010

Reading List

Image representing Amazon as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

I've decided to add a list of books I'm currently reading to this blog, since I love sharing great books almost as much as I love reading them. My expat friends and I appreciate how hard it is to get our hands on English language books here, and spend big bucks on shipping costs, usually ordering from

A lot of thought goes into a purchase. We follow award nominations and short lists; Publisher's Weekly; and the recommended book sections of our favourite magazines -- when we can get our hands on one of those! There are inevitable disappointments, books that looked promising but were either painfully, stubbornly, read to the end or else abandoned. But when we hit upon a winner, we pass it around to all our like-minded friends. And then we talk about it.

I don't know how much -- if at all -- I'll actually write about what I'm reading, but at the very least you can look up a title and see if it interests you.

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