Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Why Turkey isn't Europe - Part II

It turns out that in addition to "changing" our son's birth date (click here if you missed that post), we could have also fudged his birth place.

My husband is from Adana, although we live in Tarsus, 35km away and part of another county. Naturally, we registered Baby's birth place as Tarsus. But friends and family continue to express surprise that we didn't have Adana put on his kimlik, the Turkish identity card.

But that's where his father is from, they say.

And, It's not like he's going to grow up in Tarsus!

True, but it's where he was born. And that will always be a part of him. As will his father's Adana roots and his mother's Canadian ones. Living everywhere but his birth place just may turn out to be a defining part of his identity, as it is mine.

(pictures: typical Tarsus homes; Adana kebab)

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